Leonardo Palermo Doubles Thru Alex Condon

Apr 24, 2014

Curt Kohlberg min-raises from the hijack to 12,000, Leonardo Palermo reraises from the small blind to 43,000, and Alex Condon moves all in from the big blind for about 320,000. Kohlberg folds, and Palermo calls all in for about 225,000.

Palermo turns over [QdQs], and he needs it to hold to stay alive against Condon’s [AcKh].

The board comes [7s5d3d4s9h], and the pocket queens hold up for Palermo to win the pot and double up in chips.

Leonardo Palermo  –  466,000  (77 bb)
Alex Condon  –  95,000  (15 bb)

Last level, Palermo was crippled down to just 8,000 in chips — fewer than two big blinds. But he has battled his way back and now has an above-average stack as the field is 13 spots away from the Money Bubble.

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