Hands #11-12: Calderaro vs. Martinez

Feb 10, 2014

Hand #11  –  James Calderaro raises UTG+1 to 55,000, Dimas Martinez Jr. calls from middle position, and Justin Zaki calls from the big blind.

All three players check to the turn on a board of [Ah6c4h5d], Zaki checks, and Calderaro bets 125,000. Martinez calls, and Zaki folds.

The river card pairs the board with the [4s], Calderaro bets 250,000, and Martinez calls with [8d7d] for an eight-high straight. Calderaro mucks, and Martinez wins the pot.

Dimas Martinez Jr.  –  2,300,000  (115 bb)
James Calderaro  –  2,500,000  (125 bb)

Hand #12  –  James Calderaro raises under the gun to 55,000, Dimas Martinez Jr. calls UTG+1, and Tim Kegel calls from the big blind. 

The flop comes [Ah10s6c], Kegel checks, and Calderaro bets 100,000. Martinez calls, and Kegel folds. The turn is the [2h], Calderaro checks, Martinez bets 150,000, and Calderaro calls.

The river is the [3c], Calderaro checks, Martinez bets 266,000, and Calderaro tanks for a while before he calls. Martinez shows [6d6h] to win the pot with a set of sixes, and Calderaro mucks.

Dimas Martinez Jr.  –  3,100,000  (155 bb)
James Calderaro  –  1,970,000  (98 bb)

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