Arkadi Onikoul Eliminated in 55th Place by Jacob Ferro

Dec 17, 2021

Arkadi Onikoul
Photo:  Arkadi Onikoul

With the board showing Diamond ADiamond QHeart 4Diamond J on the turn, Arkadi Onikoul gets it all in from the big blind with Spade AClub 2 for a pair of aces, but he’s drawing dead against the Heart JClub J (set of jacks) of Jacob Ferro in the small blind.

The meaningless river card is the Heart 10, and Ferro wins the pot with his set of jacks to eliminate Onikoul in 55th place.

Jacob Ferro  –  1,270,000  (127 bb)
Arkadi Onikoul  –  Eliminated in 55th Place  ($25,850)

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