Eric Panayiotou Out in 39th Place ($13,125)

Jan 30, 2014

Robert Merulla raises from middle position to 42,000, Eric Panayiotou three-bets from the big blind to 115,000, and Merulla moves all in.

Panayiotou calls all in for about 255,000 with [AhQc], but he’s dominated by Merulla’s [AdAs]. Panayiotou needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes [10s9h5d9s4h], and the pocket aces hold up for Merulla to win the pot and eliminate Panayiotou from the tournament.

Robert Merulla  –  2,270,000  (113 bb)
Eric Panayiotou  –  Out in 39th Place  ($13,125)

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