Hand #33: Asaka Matsunaga Out in 7th Place ($14,200)

Dec 18, 2013

Hand #33  –  Asaka Matsunaga raises under the gun to 35,000, Jae Kyung Sim reraises from the hijack to 80,000, and Asaka Matsunaga moves all in for 221,000.

Sim calls with [9c9d], and Matsunaga turns over [AsQh]. Matsunaga will need to improve to stay alive.

The board comes [5c2h2s8c4c], and the pocket nines hold up for Sim to win the pot and eliminate last-woman-standing Asaka Matsunaga from the tournament on the WPT Final Table bubble.

Asaka Matsunaga  –  Out in 7th Place  ($14,200)

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