Hand #13: Jun Saito Out 10th; Dong Sheng Peng Out 9th

Dec 18, 2013

Hand #13  –  Chris Park raises UTG+1 to 25,000, Dong Sheng Peng moves all in from the hijack, and Jun Saito calls all in from the cutoff. Park calls, covering both players.

Here are their cards, in descending order of chip stacks:

Chris Park:  [AdAs]
Dong Sheng Peng:  [KcQs]
Jun Saito:  [AcKh]

The board comes [5d3h2c9s9c], and the pocket aces hold up for Park to win the entire pot and eliminate both players from the tournament.

Chris Park  –  600,000  (50 bb)
Dong Sheng Peng  –  Out in 9th Place  ($8,500)
Jun Saito  –  Out in 10th Place  ($6,200)

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