Mark Seif Scores a Double KO

Jul 3, 2021

Mark Seif

Mark Seif (pictured) raises to 1,000 from under the gun and gets called in three spots before WPT Champions Club member Frank Stepuchin three-bets to 4,400 from the button. Seif calls, the UTG+1 player four-bets all in for about 21,000 and the other two callers fold. Stepuchin five-bets all in for 26,700.

Seif thinks for a bit before he calls with a covering stack and shows Heart 8Diamond 8. Stepuchin tables Club ADiamond K while the UTG+1 player turns over Diamond 7Spade 7.

The board runs out Diamond 10Club 5Club 2Club 5Spade 8, safe for Seif and further improving his hand to eights full of fives, giving him the double elimination.

Mark Seif – 130,000 (260 bb)
Frank Stepuchin – Eliminated

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