Hands #55-59: Pahuja and Cantin Exchange the Lead

Dec 5, 2013

Hand #55 – Derrick Rosenbarger raises to 225,000 from the cutoff, Sylvain Siebert calls on the button, Serge Cantin calls from the small blind, and Mukul Pahuja calls from the big blind.

The flop falls [Ah7c2s] and action checks to Rosenbarger who bets 375,000. The rest of the table folds and Rosenbarger collects the pot to up his stack to above 5 million.

Hand #56
– Mukul Pahuja raises to 280,000 in the small blind and Derrick Rosenbarger calls from the big blind.

The flop comes down [KhTd4c] and Pahuja continues for 340,000. Rosenbarger folds, giving the pot to Pahuja.

Hand #57 – Mukul Pahuja raises to 225,000 on the button and Sylvain Siebert calls from the big blind.

The flop falls [JdTh7d] and Siebert check-calls 300,000 from Pahuja to see the [Kh] turn. Both check, the [Jc] river completes the board, and Siebert checks again. Pahuja fires 960,000, chasing away Siebert.

Hand #58 – Derrick Rosenbarger raises to 225,000 on the button Serge Cantin defends his big blind.

They check to the turn of a [KsQs4c6h] board where Rosenbarger bets 125,000. Cantin calls, the [3s] river falls, and Cantin bets 500,000. Rosenbarger folds and Cantin takes the pot.

Hand #59 – Serge Cantin calls from the small blind, Mukul Pahuja raises to 350,000, and the former calls immediately.

The flop brings [Qs4s3d] and both players check. On the turn the [6c] pops up and Cantin bets 500,000. Pahuja makes the call and the river is the [9h]. Cantin quickly bets 500,000 again and Pahuja decides to let go of his hand.

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