Hands #130-133: Rosenbarger Extends His Lead

Dec 5, 2013

Hand #130 – Mukul Pahuja raises to 500,000 on the button and folds after Derrick ROsenbarger three-bets to 1.3 million.

Hand #131
– Derrick Rosenbarger raises to 500,000 on the button and Mukul Pahuja calls from the big blind to see a [Ts8c7c] flop. Pahuja checks to Rosenbarger who bets 450,000, resulting in a fold from Pahuja.

Hand #132
– The button did not move. Derrick Rosenbarger raises to 500,000 on the button and Mukul Pahuja calls.

The flop falls [Th6c2h] and Pahuja check-calls 425,000 from Rosenbarger, landing the [3s] turn. Pahuja leads out for 625,000, Rosenbarger calls, and the [Qc] river falls. Both check, Rosenbarger tables [Tc7d] for a pair of tens, and Pahuja mucks.

Hand #133
– Mukul Pahuja raises to 500,000 on the button on the button and wins the pot. 

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