Cannizzaro Takes The Lead

Dec 4, 2013

Antoine Berube opens to 65,000 from under the gun. Patrick Eskandar calls from UTG+1, Marco Cannizzaro calls from the hijack, and Lily Kiletto calls from the big blind.

The flop falls [AdTh5c] and action is checked to Cannizzaro who bets 125,000. Only Eskandar calls to see the [3d] turn where he check-calls 150,000 from Cannizzaro, landing the [3h] river. It’s more of the same as Eskandar check-calls another 150,000 from Cannizzaro.

Cannizzaro tables [AcJh], Eskandar mucks, and Cannizzaro wins the pot.

Marco Cannizzaro – 3,985,000
Patrick Eskandar – 300,000

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