Hands #2-4: Serge Cantin Grabs a Nice Pot

Dec 4, 2013

Hand #2 – Sylvain Siebert raises to 120,000 from late position and Ludovic Lacay reraises to 260,000 on the hijack. Siebert calls and the flop comes [Ac10s10d]. Both players check and the turn falls [7d]. Lacay raises to 250,000 and Siebert folds.

Hand #3 – Segre Cantin raises to 100,000 on the hijack and Mukul Pahuja reraises on the cutoff to 240,000. Cantin calls and the flop falls [Kc6s3d]. Cantin raises to 140,000 and Pahuja calls. The turn falls [2h] and both players check. The river delivers the [10h] and Cantin bets 500,000. Pahuja calls and Cantin flips over [3c3h]. Pahuja mucks and he is down to 2.3 million. Cantin is up to 2.46 million after the hand.

Hand #4 – Sylain Siebert raises to 100,000 preflop from middle position and Derrick Rosenbarger three-bets to 250,000 on the cutoff. Siebert puts in a four-bet to 700,000 and Rosenbarger folds.

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