Pocket Fives Good For Gomez

Dec 15, 2013

Javier Gomez opens to 1,025 from under the gun, Micah Raskin calls in the small blind and Anaras Alekberovas does likewise in the big blind.

The dealer sends [Ad] [6d] [6c] to the flop and only Alekberovas is interested in the 1,600 Gomez c-bet. 

That endeth the action as both players quickly check down the turn, [3c], and river, [2h], and Gomez takes the pot with [5d] [5c] for two-pair, with Alekberovas showing [Td] [2d] for the missed flush draw.

Gomez ~ 34,000
Alerkberovas ~ 9,400

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