Hemsworth Takes On Juen

Dec 17, 2013

Alban Juen raised to 600 and Steven van Zadelhoff called before Simon Hemsworth in the Big Blind clicked it to 2,000. Juen four-bet to 4,800 and that got the Dutchman out of the way, Hemsworth calls.

Flop: [7c] [2d] [8d]

Hemsworth check-calls 5,100 and repeats that on the Turn [9d] for 7,000. On the River [4d] the Brit checks a third time and Juen leads for 10,000. We didn’t see the cards of the Frenchman but he falls to 10,100 as Hemsworth wins the pot with [Jc] [Jd].

Simon Hemsworth 61,000

New in: Erwann Pecheux and Ludovic Lacay, both from France.

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