Mateusz Moolhuizen Eliminated by Julian Thomas (€8,800)

Dec 20, 2013

Mateusz Moolhuizen (Day 3) We have just caught the back end of the an all-in and call between Mateusz Moolhuizen (OTB) and Julian Thomas (EP). Gintaras Simaitis was also in the hand, and we believe Thomas opened, Simaitis flatted and Moolhuizen shoved. 


Thomas: [As] [Ks]
Moolhuizen: [Tc] [Th]

Thomas has Moolhuizen covered.

Board: [7s] [3h] [2s] [Js] [9s]

Thomas hits his flush on the turn to eliminate Moolhuizen and move up to 510,000. Simaitis told Thomas that he folded ace-queen in that hand.

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