Ryan Spittles Now Under Pressure

Dec 20, 2013

Ryan Spittles (Day 4) The pots in the new level were mostly decided preflop and included one all in shove from Marc Etienne Mclaughlin from under the gun that went without a call. Then we saw a raise to 26,000 from Scott Augustine and Ryan Spittles three-bet to 61,000. In the small blind Julian Thomas called and so did initial raiser Augustine.

On the flop [Ac] [Qs] [4d] there is no action, Thomas leads the turn [9h] for 105,000 and this time only Spittles throws in the additional chips. On the river [Td] the German bets 150,000 and Spittles tank calls to muck when shown [Qh] [Qc]. The Brit is squeezed in between the big stacks same as Andrea Benelli.

Julian Thomas ~ 1,400,000
Ryan Spittles + 360,000

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