Maksim Sekretarev Soars to a Million; Vitaliy Karaivan Eliminated

Feb 26, 2021

A huge pot plays out that ends with a bluff going wrong and sends Vitaliy Karaivan to the rail. It is Karaivan that squeezes into two opponents for 37,000 and Maksim Sekretarev is the only caller.

On a board of X 9X 5X 2X 4X 8, Sekretarev check-calls three barrels for 40,000, 110,000 and the shove for 228,000 with pocket jacks. Karaivan only has X AX 7 and busts in spectacular fashion.

Maksim Sekretarev – 1,000,000 (250 bb)
Vitaliy Karaivan – Eliminated

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