Day 1C of bwin WPT Prague Wraps Up; Sidhu Leads, Soulier Near Top

Day 1C of bwin WPT Prague at Card Casino has come to a close with the final of the three Day 1 flights ending with Kuljinder Sidhu from the UK in the chip lead with 133,200 in chips. Out of the 158 players that entered today, 92 players have made their way through to the…

Matt Clark
Dec 18, 2013

Erwann Pecheux

Day 1C of bwin WPT Prague at Card Casino has come to a close with the final of the three Day 1 flights ending with Kuljinder Sidhu from the UK in the chip lead with 133,200 in chips.

Out of the 158 players that entered today, 92 players have made their way through to the Day 2. Add that to the Day 1A and Day 1B survivors then we have a starting field of 157 players for Day 2. That number will rise, however, as players still have the opportunity to re-enter up to the point the cards hit the felt today, which is right about now.

At the end of Day 1C the average chip stack was 51,592 and, once again, play stopped at the end of level 8 with blinds at 300/600 and an ante of 75. Big stacks finishing the day included Ryan Spittles (125,400), Adrian Mateos (118,300), Andrea Benelli (117,300) and Fabrice Soulier (110,000). WPT Champions Club members Giacomo Fundaro, Vladimir Bozinovic and Roberto Romanello also all made it through, but Triple Crown winner David Kitai did not after losing a vital all-in with AQ v KQ when an untimely King hit the flop.

Away from the felt, the action included the last day of the Christmas jumper competition for all the festive players and the third nightly installment of the WPT Live Show hosted by Jesse May and special guest Giovanni Rizzo. A rerun of the show can be watched here:

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