Daniel Smyth and Pierre Paul Paulin Put Kenny Hallaert to the Test

Jan 25, 2021

Kenny Hallaert opens the action to 132,000 under the gun and it folds all the way round to Daniel Smyth on the button, who goes all in for 1,331,799. Pierre Paul Paulin is in the small blind and he tanks for half his time bar, before going all in over the top for 2,889,000.

Both the big blind and Hallaert promptly get out of the way and the two players see they are off to the races with Spade JHeart J for Smyth and Spade AClub K for Paulin.

The board runs out queen-high, giving Smyth another double and Paulin down to 26 big blinds.

Daniel Smyth – 2,908,098
Kenny Hallaert – 2,154,415
Pierre Paul Paulin – 1,557,969

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