Hands #89-90: Last Hands of the Level

Nov 18, 2013

Hand #89 – Randall Price raises to 65,000 and Blake Purvis calls from the small blind. The two see [6h6d3h] hit the felt and Purvis check-calls a continuation bet of 85,000. The [5s] on the turn prompts two checks and the [Ad] rivers. Purvis checks again and Price bets 145,000. Purvis lets it go and Price drags in the pot.

Hand #90 – Matthew Oswalt opens to 60,000 and Jared Jaffee calls from the cutoff.

Those two players take a flop of [5sJh2h] and Oswalt continues out for an unknown amount. Jaffee calls and the [Tc] turns. Oswalt slows with a check, Jaffee fires 145,000, and Oswalt quickly folds. 

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