Hands #58-59: Eriquezzo Doubles

Nov 18, 2013

Hand #59 – Blake Purvis is in the big blind and receives a walk.

Hand #60 – Randall Price raises to 65,000 from the cutoff and Matthew Oswalt calls from the button. Ryan Eriquezzo moves all in for 420,000 from the small blind and it folds back to Price. Price spends almost 5 minutes in the tank before moving forward a call. Oswalt folds and the hands are revealed.

Price: [AcJd]
Eriquezzo: [AhTd] 

The board falls [Th5h2h3h4c] and Eriquezzo doubles with the ace-high flush. 

Ryan Eriquezzo – 905,000 (30 bb)
Randall Price – 350,000 (11 bb)

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