Alexander Ziskin Eliminated in 11th Place ($17,292)

Nov 18, 2013

Shortly after Matt Glantz’s elimination, Alexander Ziskin open-raises all in for 201,000 from the small blind and Thad McNulty calls right away from the big blind. Ziskin shows [Ah][5d] while McNulty is turning over [Td][9c].

The flop comes [Jh][9s][6d] to pair McNulty’s nine, and after the [Qh] turn and [3h] river, Ziskin is out in 11th.

The remaining 10 players are now redrawing to sit around a single table from which they’ll be playing down to six and the official final table before stopping later tonight. 

Thad McNulty – 480,000
Alexander Ziskin – Eliminated

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