Apostolou Doubles Through Mekhtoub

Oct 29, 2013

Peter Apostolou has doubled through Ali Mekhtoub.

Elliot Smith told us that Apostolou opened to 25,000 and Mekhtoub defended the big blind. Both players checked on the [5d] [4c] [3s] flop, Mekhtoub bet 30,000 on the [Tc] turn and Apostolou called, then we saw the [2h] on the river, Mekhtoub bet 50,000, Apostolou moved all-in and Mekhtoub found the call.

It was [Kd] [6s] for Apostolou and [Ah] [Th] for Mekhtoub

Apostolou ~ 400,000
Mekhtoub ~ 200,000

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