Robbie Sham Doubles Through Kakwan Lau

Nov 10, 2013

Robbie Sham opens to 12,500, Kakwan Lau three-bets to 25,000 in position and Sham has a very difficult decision on his hands.

"I’m not sure if I want to race or not," says Sham.

Several minutes pass before Sham makes the call and we have a showdown with Sham at risk of being our bubble boy.


Sham: [8d] [8s]
Lau: [Ah] [Qs]

Flop: [Kh] [4h] [3h]

Lau flops the nut flush draw to add to his over cards outs.

Turn: [9d]

It’s red, but it’s no heart.

River: [8c]

It’s a set for Sham and he doubles up at the most crucial time in the tournament.

Sham ~ 105,000
Lau ~ 180,000

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