Conrad Coetzer Eliminated by Benjamin Cole

Nov 9, 2013

We join the action on the turn in a hand between Benjamin Cole and Conrad Coetzer. The board is showing [7d] [6h] [4c] [4h] and Dominik Nitsche kindly fills in the blanks up to this point when he explains that Cole flatted a three-bet from Coetzer and then check-called a flop c-bet.

Back to the action in hand and Cole check-raises to 45,000 when Coetzer bets 15,000. This puts Coetzer deep into thought and eventually one of the other players at the table calls time.

The floor gives Coetzer his customary one minute’s grace and just as they reach one second remaining Coetzer moves all-in.

"Conrad….Conrad…Conrad…all I can beat is a bluff, " laughs Cole, "how much more is it?"

The additional call is worth 20,600.

"I still have outs," says Cole before making the call.

Cole shows pocket treys for the bluff, and Coetzer shows pocket queens for the leading hand. 

River: [5s]

Cole hits a straight and the table struggle to contain their laughter until Coetzer leaves the table.

Cole ~ 300,000

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