Lianmin Bai Doubles in Remarkable Hand

Mar 2, 2020

Lianmin Bai

It folds to Lianmin Bai in the cutoff and he shoves for 1.3 million with Club KSpade J. His neighbor on the button, Florent Estegassy thinks about what to do with his Spade KSpade 10 when small blind Sonny Franco already wants to call. Franco then sees Estegassy is yet to act and awaits his neighbor’s turn.

Eventually, Estegassy does decide to call with his king-ten suited.

Franco, with Diamond AClub J, initially wanted to call but now changed his mind and folds. Jean Paul Pasqualini folds his big blind.

Bai gets the perfect situation; the one hand he dominates calls, en the one he’s dominated by, folds.

The board runs out Spade QClub 7Club 4Heart 9Diamond Q and Bai doubles.

Florent Estegassy – 4,100,000
Lianmin Bai – 3,000,000

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