Cedric Danneker Done For

Feb 29, 2020

Kacper Pyzara opens to 10,000 in early position and the cutoff calls. Abdelhamid El Khayati squeezes the button to 40,000 and Cedric Danneker in the small blind shoves for 41,000. The big blind folds and Pyzara tanks long and hard but folds after someone calls the clock. The cutoff folds as well, El Khayati tosses in a 1,000-chip to call.

Abdelhamid El Khayati: Club 10Heart 10
Cedric Danneker: Diamond QClub Q

El Khayati flops the best hand with Diamond 4Spade 4Diamond 10 and Danneker doesn’t catch up despite diamonds on the turn and river.

The dealer announces “Coloure,” and wants to push the pot to Danneker with his flush, but El Khayati points out the full house and soon collects the chips.

Abdelhamid El Khayati – 250,000
Cedric Danneker – Eliminated

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