Nguyen Busts Two Players

Feb 29, 2020

After some pre-flop action, three players find themselves all in before a single community card is dealt. Nguyen has both of her opponents covered with Bagirov having more than Briot.

Sergei Bagirov: Spade JClub J
Joffrey Briot: Heart 4Diamond 4
Thi Xoa Nguyen: Club AClub K

The flop of Heart AHeart 9Diamond 3 is bad news for Bagirov and Briot. The Heart K on the turn and Spade 10 on the river are inconsequential and both Briot and Bagirov head for the rail. Nguyen collects the chips and now plays 109,000, just above average.

Sergei Bagirov – Eliminated
Joffrey Briot – Eliminated
Thi Xoa Nguyen – 109,000

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