"Why Do They Try to Bluff Me?" Joe Dwek Reaches 800K Against Daniel Kwon

Feb 22, 2020

Joseph Dwek

With the board showing Diamond QSpade JHeart 3Spade 3 on the turn and more than 200K already in the pot, Daniel Kwon checks the big blind, and Joe Dwek (pictured) checks from middle position.

The river card is the Heart 5, Kwon bets 150,000, and Dwek quickly calls. Kwon says, “Ace high,” and Dwek turns over Heart ASpade Q for two pair, queens and threes. Kwon mucks, and Dwek wins the pot.

Dwek asks, “Why do they try to bluff me?” Then, as he’s stacking his chips, he adds, “Look at this. All this from five thousand.”

Joe Dwek  –  800,000  (133 bb)
Daniel Kwon  –  280,000  (47 bb)

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