Simon Hemsworth Eliminated by Eros Mossali

Mar 13, 2014

WPT_4669 Eros Mossali has just taken the chip lead after eliminating Simon Hemsworth in the biggest hand of the day so far.

Here is the action collected from our friends in the Italian media.

There was a raise to 3,500 from under the gun, Simon Hemsworth three-bets to 8,100 from the next seat, Eros Mossali four-bets to 20,500 from middle position, the initial raiser folds and Hemsworth calls.

Flop: [Tc] [6c] [5d]

Hemsworth check-jams holding [Ac] [Kc] for the nut flush draw, and Mossali makes the call with pocket aces. The [9d] and [Ks] complete the action and Hemsworth – who started the day as one of the chip leaders – is out.

Mossali ~ 320,000

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