Massimo Mosele Eliminated by Ivan Gabriele

Mar 13, 2014

WPT_5401 Ivan Gabriele opens to 5,200 from under the gun, Massimo Mosele three-bets to 12,800 on the button, Gabriele puts Mosele all-in and after a few moments pause he makes the call – and it’s good.


Gabriele: [As] [5s]
Mosele: [Ad] [Qs]

So Gabriele is dominated and things don’t change much after the dealer plants the flop of [Ah] [9s] [2h] into the table. Things do change on the turn, however, after the dealer pulls the [5h] out of the deck to give Gabriele the suprise lead, and after the [6d] completes the board Mosele’s exit is confirmed.

Gabriele ~ 295,000

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