Pasquale Grimaldi Delivers a Double K.O.

Feb 21, 2020

Pasquale Grimaldi

Pasquale Grimaldi makes it 3,000 in the middle position, Daniel Wilson jams for 34,300 from the cutoff, and Matthias Nachtigal calls for his 23,700 on the button. Grimaldi tanks for a while and then calls, covering both of his opponents.

Grimaldi: Heart ADiamond Q
Wilson: Spade 8Diamond 8
Nachtigal: Club AHeart K

Nachtigal pulls ahead after the Spade 9Heart JDiamond K flop, and his hand remains the best when the Spade 2 appears on the turn.

The river is, however, the Heart 10 and Grimaldi finishes with a straight to bust both Wilson and Nachtigal.

Pasquale Grimaldi – 185,000
Daniel Wilson – eliminated
Matthias Nachtigal – eliminated

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