Jan-Peter Jachtmann Falls to Pasquale Grimaldi

Feb 21, 2020

Jan-Peter Jachtmann opens to 2,500 from early position and Iozsef Zsolt Kincs calls to his left before Pasquale Grimaldi squeezes to 10,200 from the hijack. Jachtmann calls and Kincs folds.

The flop comes down Heart 8Spade 9Heart J and Jachtmann checks to Grimaldi who fires 10,000.

Jachtmann grabs all his remaining 35,000 or so and looks at Grimaldi, saying: “Do you have ace-king? I’m better then ace-king.”

Then he places the chips into the middle and Grimaldi calls. Jachtmann turns up Spade 3Heart 3 and Grimaldi indeed shows the Heart AHeart K, albeit with a flush draw.

Grimaldi fills up on the Heart 10 turn, leaving the Club 9 river a formality.

Pasquale Grimaldi – 140,000
Jan-Peter Jachtmann – eliminated

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