Michael Brandau Switches Gears on Omar Lakhdari

Feb 19, 2020

Following a hijack open and a flat call from Michael Brandau on the cutoff, Omar Lakhdari squeezes to 9,000. Only Brandau calls.

The flop falls Diamond 10Spade 10Diamond A and it goes check-check. On the Club 7 turn, Lakhdari bets a small sizing of 3,500, which Brandau check-calls and the Heart 6 completes the board.

At this point, Brandau opts to lead and sets 15,000 over the line. Lakhdari isn’t tempted and folds, urging Brandau to “show…show.” Brandau doesn’t oblige but assures him “next time.”

Michael Brandau – 60,000
Omar Lakhdari – 110,000

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