Naoya Fujihisa Scoops Massive Pot to Bust Sebastian Schade

Feb 16, 2020

Naoya Fujihisa limps in the cutoff and Kunwoo Kim raises to 25,000. Sebastian Schade three-bets to 79,000 out of the small blind and Fujihisa calls, Kim folds.

The flop comes Club 9Heart 7Heart 5 and Schade moves all in for more than 300,000 and gets snap-called.

Sebastian Schade: Club AClub K
Naoya Fujihisa: Heart 9Diamond 9

Nothing at all changes on the Heart QClub Q on turn and river except that Fujihisa even makes a full house.

Naoya Fujihisa – 1,100,000
Sebastian Schade – Eliminated in 31st Place

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