Ronnie Bardah's Stack Cut Down

Feb 14, 2020

Ronnie Bardah raises from early position and Kornelius Lien three-bets, which Michael Raymond on the button and Bardah call. On the Spade 10Spade 6Spade 5Club 6 turn, Bardah bets 2,700 and Lien folds, Raymond calls.

Bardah also bets the Club A on the river for 5,500 and Raymond raises to 15,000, Bardah calls and sigh-folds as Raymond reveals the Club 10Diamond 10 for a full house. Bardah mentions in table chat he had ace-six of hearts for the inferior full house.

Michael Raymond – 57,000
Kornelius Lien – 33,000
Ronnie Bardah – 14,000

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