Valeriya Shavina Eliminated by Bruno Caron

Feb 8, 2020

Valeriya Shavina

Action was on the turn in a hand between Valeriya Shavina and Bruno Caron. Once the hand had played out, Caron was kind enough to run through how the full action of the hand had played out.

Caron kicked things off with a 3x open on the button and Shavina defended in the small blind. The flop came Spade 3Heart 7Diamond 8 and Shavina opted to lead for around 20,000. Caron smooth-called.

The turn was a Spade 3 and Shavina bet again, this time for 50,000. Caron waited a minute before moving all in and Shavina made a quick call.

Bruno Caron: Heart 8Club 8
Valeriya Shavina: Heart 9Diamond 9

Shavina groaned when she saw the bad news and got out of her seat as the dealer laid a Spade J, locking up the hand for Caron.

Bruno Caron – 490,000
Valeriya Shavina – eliminated

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