Vanessa Selbst Doubles Thru Tyler Gaston

Sep 19, 2013

Vanessa Selbst 2723
Photo: Vanessa Selbst with her newly-doubled chip stack.

Vanessa Selbst min-raises from the cutoff to 80,000, Tyler Gaston reraises from the small blind to 225,000, and Selbst calls.

The flop comes [Jc8c6c], Gaston checks, Selbst bets 280,000, and Gaston check-raises to 725,000.

Selbst moves all in for 3.33 million, and Gaston calls with [KcKd] (overpair with a king-high flush draw). Selbst turns over [AcQh] for the ace-high flush draw, and she’ll need to improve to stay alive.

The turn is the [As], giving Selbst the lead with a pair of aces, and the river is the [5d]. Selbst wins the pot with a pair of aces to double up into second place on the leaderboard.

Vanessa Selbst  –  7,180,000  (179 bb)
Tyler Gaston  –  2,340,000  (58 bb)

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