Zak Kottler Eliminated in 15th Place ($30,312); Brother Jeremy Still Alive

Sep 19, 2013

Zak Kottler 2605
Eric Fields raises from the hijack, Zak Kottler (pictured) moves all in from the small blind for about 620,000, and Fields calls with [AdKh]. Kottler turns over [KdQs], and he’s dominated as he faces elimination.

The board comes [10c6d2h2dJc], and Fields wins the pot with his ace to eliminate Zak Kottler in 15th place.

Eric Fields  –  2,950,000  (98 bb)
Zak Kottler  –  Out in 15th Place  ($30,312)

Kottler’s brother Jeremy is still in the field with more than 2 million in chips, and they are the first brothers in WPT history to reach the final two tables together.

Last year, Mukul and Vinny Pahuja both went deep in this event, with Mukul finishing 34th, and Vinny finishing 16th. The Kottlers have already surpassed that combined finish.

Now the Kottler family hopes are riding on Jeremy’s shoulders. Jeremy has some experience going deep in WPT events, finishing 13th at the 2009 WPT L.A. Poker Classic, and sixth at last year’s WPT Five Diamond World Poker Classic.

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