Leonardo Palermo Doubles Thru Jerry Payne

Sep 19, 2013

Mark Rose raises from middle position to 25,000, Leonardo Palermo moves all in from the button for 170,000, and Jerry Payne calls. Rose tanks for a while before he folds.

Palermo turns over [10d9d], and his cards are just high enough to be racing against Payne’s [8c8h].

The board comes [QdQs4c4h10s], and Payne reacts with frustration when Palermo pairs his ten on the river to win the pot and double up in chips.

Leonardo Palermo  –  375,000  (31 bb)
Jerry Payne  –  365,000  (30 bb)

After the hand, Payne tells Rose, "I would’ve folded if you have moved all in." Payne adds that Rose is the only player at the table that he would’ve folded to in that spot.

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