Stroke of Luck for Boris Smuskevicius

Jan 13, 2020

Boris Smuskevicius

The first part of the hand was standard enough – Kai Lach opened min to 80,000 and Boris Smuskevicius three-bet all in for 17 big blinds with pocket Diamond 9Club 9. It was no surprise either that Lach called with pocket Diamond KSpade K.

The dealer laid Club 6Heart 9Diamond 6Diamond 10Club Q on the board and after making a set on the flop and surviving to the river, Smuskevicius’s relief was apparent and securing a double.

As he was collecting the pot, Luc Glodt told the table that he had three-nine in the hole, so Smuskevicius had hit a one-outer to remain in the game.

Boris Smuskevicius – 1,440,000
Kai Lach – 870,000

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