Eirimas Livonas Bubbles to Eldad Bentov

Jan 12, 2020

Eirimas Livonas

Eldad Bentov opens to 13,000 and Eirimas Livonas three-bets all in for 60,000. Bentov calls and the players have to wait, whilst the other tables finish their action.

There is one all in and a call on the other table but this hand will play out first, so the two flip over their cards.

Eldad Bentov: Club QSpade Q
Eirimas Livonas: Diamond JSpade J

The runout is a low Heart 7Heart 9Diamond 5Club 3Diamond 3 and Livonas has to wait to see if there is another elimination on the other table in order to split the min cash.

Unfortunately for him, the shorter stack doubles up and Livonas is the last player to leave empty handed.

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