Marco Slacanac and Eldad Bentov Clash

Jan 12, 2020

Action is on the flop and Spade AClub 7Diamond 8 is on display. Marco Slacanac continues and Eldad Bentov calls.

On the Spade 10 turn, Bentov opts to lead and Slacanac comes along. The last card is the Spade 3 and Bentov bets again. Slacanac moves all in and Bentov makes a quick call.

Marco Slacanac: Spade 6Spade 4
Eldad Bentov: X 9X 6

It’s flush over straight and Bentov is out the door, leaving Slacanac to collect the pot.

Marco Slacanac – 540,000
Eldad Bentov – eliminated

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