Marcin Chmielewski Takes a Hit in Early Position Wars

Jan 11, 2020

Marcin Chmielewski

Ghattas Kortas opens to 1,000 under the gun and Marcin Chmielewski three-bets to 3,000 utg+1. Kortas calls and they see an Heart AHeart 5Spade K flop. Kortas check-raises to 8,400 over Chmielewski’s 3,000 bet. He calls and a Club 3 lands on the turn.

Kortas leads 10,400 and Chmielewski is going nowhere just yet. The final card out is the Heart 9 and Kortas moves all in for 11,200. It’s another call from Chmielewski but he mucks when he sees the bad news that Kortas has Heart 4Heart 2 for a turned straight that improved to a flush on the river.

Ghattas Kortas – 65,000
Marcin Chmielewski – 25,000

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