Two-Outer Provides Quadruple-Up for Frankenberger

Nov 9, 2014

Andy Frankenberger raises all in with his last 6,400, and as the action proceeds around the table he takes off his bounty medallion, rubs it as if to shine it a little, and sets it out before his chips. Two players call the raise, then Diane Casino pushes all in for 92,000. It folds back to the callers who both step aside.

Frankenberger tables [Jc][Jd], but Casino has [Qs][Qd] and the big edge with five cards to come. The first four do nothing for Frankenberger, coming [9h][2c][6c], then [2s]. He is starting to stand from his seat when the river is dealt… the [Js]!

Andy Frankenberger

"The quadruple-up!" says Frankenberger amid the reactions all around. He’s now back up around 30,000, and is replacing the medallion around his neck.

Andy Frankenberger

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