Hand #165: Dylan Wilkerson Wins WPT Emperors Palace Poker Classic ($147,509)

Nov 17, 2014

Hand #165  –  Richard Barnard raises to 175,000, Dylan Wilkerson moves all in, and Barnard calls all in for less than a million with [KhQc]. Wilkerson turns over [AhQh], and Barnard needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes [10h6c6sQd5d], and Wilkerson wins the pot — and the tournament — with two pair, queens and sixes, with an ace kicker.

Richard Barnard finishes as the runner-up, earning $85,651.

Dylan Wilkerson wins the WPT Emperors Palace Poker Classic, earning $147,509, a WPT Champions Trophy, an Emperors Palace trophy, and a pair of Monster DNA Headphones. Wilkerson’s prize money includes his $15,400 entry into the season-ending WPT World Championship, and his name will be added to the one and only WPT Champions Cup.

Congratulations to Dylan Wilkerson!

1st:  Dylan Wilkerson  –  $147,509*
2nd:  Richard Barnard  –  $85,651
3rd:  Diane Crous  –  $54,721
4th:  Chris Convery  –  $38,543
5th:  Aaron Overton  –  $29,740
6th:  Darryn Lipman  –  $22,602

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