Noam Muallem Can't Beat Two Pair

Jan 4, 2020

Following a raise to 300, Noam Muallem three-bets to 600 from middle position and is met with a call from the player on his immediate left, and the original raiser.

The flop lands Club KSpade JHeart 2 and Muallem continues for 1,100 as both opponents call.

The turn is the Heart 7 and action checks to the player on Muallem’s left, and he bets 1,600. The original raiser folds, but Muallem calls.

The river lands the Spade Q and Muallem check-calls a bet of 1,000. Muallem’s opponent tables his Heart KDiamond Q, and Muallem mucks.

Noam Muallem – 30,400

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