Daniel Illingworth Triples Through James Pupillo and Brian Sham

Jan 2, 2020

Daniel Illingworth

James Pupillo raises to 1,500 from under the gun and Brian Sham shoves all in next to act for 13,600. From the small blind, Daniel Illingworth (pictured) calls all in for 9,800, and after some hesitation, Pupillo calls to put both players at risk.

Pupillo: Heart JHeart 9
Sham: Heart KClub Q
Illingworth: Spade ADiamond Q

The board runs out Diamond JDiamond 6Spade QHeart 4Club 7 and Illingworth triples by scooping the main pot, while Sham stays alive by winning the side pot.

Daniel Illingworth – 30,600
James Pupillo – 32,300
Brian Sham – 7,600

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