Paawan Bansal and Chenxu Zhang Eliminated

Nov 21, 2019

Chenxu Zhang three-bets all in with a shorter stack when facing a raise by Alvin Mark and gets called to reveal pocket sixes. Mak tables the Heart JClub J and the board comes Club QSpade 8Spade 2Club KSpade 5 to end the run of Zhang.

At almost the same time one table over, the board is scooped up and Paawan Bansal heads out of the seat when he loses a flip with Club 7Diamond 7 against the Heart ASpade J of Jia Tang.

Jingjing Ke – 250,000
Alvin Mark – 240,000
Jia Tang – 85,000
Paawan Bansal – Eliminated
Chenxu Zhang – Eliminated

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