Michael Gagnon Doubles Thru Senthuran Vijayaratnam

Nov 3, 2019

Senthuran Vijayaratnam
Photo:  Senthuran Vijayaratnam

Yann Dion raises from middle position to 8,000, and Michael Gagnon moves all in from the button for 47,500. Senthuran Vijayaratnam calls from the big blind, and Dion folds.

Gagnon turns over Spade ASpade 4, and he’s dominated by Vijayaratnam’s Heart AHeart 10.

The board comes Diamond 8Heart 7Club 4Diamond QClub 7, and Gagnon pairs his four on the flop to win the pot and double up in chips.

Michael Gagnon  –  101,000  (25 bb)
Senthuran Vijayaratnam  –  160,000  (40 bb)

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