Yury Parad Eliminated by Christian Soucy

Oct 31, 2019

After a flop of Heart JSpade 8Club 5, Christian Soucy bets 1,600 from the cutoff, Yury Parad raises from the button to 5,000, and Soucy moves all in.

Parad quickly calls all in for about 8,500 with Spade QClub J for a pair of jacks, but Soucy turns over Heart ASpade J for a pair of jacks with an ace kicker. Parad needs to improve to stay alive.

The turn card is the Spade 5, the river card is the Club 3, and Soucy wins the pot with two pair, jacks and fives with an ace kicker, to eliminate Parad.

Christian Soucy  –  70,000  (350 bb)
Yury Parad  –  Eliminated

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